From: (Chris Rutkowski) Subject: Final word on the Carp UFO crash! Date: 14 Apr 94 14:34:20 GMT Organization: The University of Manitoba From: (Jacques Poulet) Date: 13 Apr 94 18:41:00 -0500 Subject: CARP: FINAL WORD 1/9 * Message originally: From: Benjamin Leblanc To : All Date: 04-Avr-94 Area: "Odyssey Fringe science" * Forwarded by Jacques Poulet using RemoteAccess 2.01+ This document called "CARP: FINAL WORD" is actually here for serious ufologists. It is provided to you by the O.C.I.P.E. organization as a _conclusion_ to the case. It contains the official RCMP GRC inves- tigation on the Carp affair and some remarks at the end of the report. And if after reading this you still believes the case is genuine, you are definitely hopeless. Here are the coordinates of the O.C.I.P.E. Research Group, should you have any further comments or suggestions. Thank you. O.C.I.P.E. (Organisation de Compilation et d'Information sur les Phenomenes Etranges) C.P. 143 St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc. CANADA J3B 6Z1 Tel.: (514)349-4437 Director: Mr. Christian R. Page Co-director: Mr. Benjamin H. Leblanc ################################################################### RCMP GRC Information Access Directorate 720 Chemin Belfast Rd. OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0R2 RCMP GRC - INVESTIGATION REPORT Security classification : PROTECTED A RCMP File References : 93A-0735 Division : A Date : 1993-APR-01 Sub-division : Federal Policing Section Detachment : F.I.U. Reference : Unsolved Mysteries Assistance to General Public 1993-FEB-07 1.0 INDIVIDUALS & ORGANISATIONS SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION 5. (N.J. PATTERSON) Mjr. Canadian Forces Base Ottawa Base Information Officer ph: (613)991-4457 7. (P. FRASER), Sgt. Add: R.C.M.P. H-Q, Audio Visual Enhancement ph: 993-8448 ORGANISATIONS 1. TOWNSHIP of WEST CARLETON Municipal Offices ph: (613)839-5644 2. Huisson Aviation Ltd. Add: Carp Ont. ph: (613)839-5868 3. Department of Transport (D.O.T.) Add: Ottawa Ont. ph: (613)990-1189 4. National Research Council (N.R.C.) Flight Research ph: (613)998-3071 5. Ottawa Weather Office ph: (613)998-3440 2.0 HISTORY OF THE COMPLAINT 2.1 On February 02nd 1993, a television broadcast entitled "Unsolved Mysteries" was aired. In this broadcast Diane LABENEK alleges that on August 18th 1991, at approximately 22:00 hrs, she observed a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), approaching, landing then departing from the back fields of her residence. 2.2 Ten minutes after the departure an unidentified helicopter passed over her residence at an altitude close enough to cause some damage to a few roof shingles. 2.3 At the time Mr. LABENEK was reported to be on an errand and as a result he did not witness the incidents. The broadcast also indicated that the UFO incident had been captured on video tape by an unknown individual identified only as, "THE GUARDIAN". The video and correspondence was then sent ################# some six months after the incident. 2.4 On february 10th 1993, "A" Division F.I.U. received infor- mation from a source stating that the incident ################## ################################################################# ############. 3.0 PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION 3.1 A: To ascertain if sufficient evidence is available to support a prosecution under the Aeronautics Act, Section 534(2)(b), for flying below 500 feet. B: To ascertain if in fact the object observed is an aircraft C: To ascertain if the craft observed is a UFO. 4.0 INVESTIGATION 4.1 On FEB. 15th 1993, Cst. DE HAITRE conducted a enquiry with the following results. 4,2 One source interviewed (A) had not observed the reported occurence, however on February 14th 1993, he did video tape a sign ###################################################### of where the incident had occurred. This sign was approximately five feet square, made of steel, painted in yellow with the phrases; "DEFENCE CANADA" "KILLING TECHNOLOGY" "TEST AREA", in black paint with a hand drawn picture of a tank and an airwolf type helicopter at the bottom of the sign. A copy of the video was made for the writer. 4.3 One observation made of the sign, is that the general characteristics of the lettering closely resembled that of the correspondence sent by "THE GUARDIAN" ###############, along with the video taping of the UFO. 4.4 The source had in 1991 and 1992 observed several more such signs in that area, one even had the word "NUCLEAR" spelt as "NUCLEEAR", with two "E"s. It appears that at the present time these signs are either gone or buried under the snow. 4.5 The source ############## further stated that low flying helicopters with no observed identifiable markings have been in the area at different times of the day and night. As a result it was agreed that the source would keep a daily diary until further notice. An attempt to photograph and or video tape future helicopters flying over would be made, as an assistance to the writer. 4.6 At approximately 10:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE attended at the location where the video of the sign was made. Four more signs were located and photographed for the file. These signs were similar to signs previously mentioned in 4.4 but smaller in size, with only the word "WARNING" on one and the word "ONE" on the other. Nothing of further value was found. These signs had been severely damaged by gun shots likely as a result of hunters using them as target practice. 4.7 At approximately 11:00 hrs a red and white helicopter was observed and photographed by the investigator who was at the intersection of Corkery Rd., and Old Almonte Rd. The helicopter was travelling in a north to south direction crisscrossing ##### ###################### well above the 500 feet limit required by law. 4.8 Another source interviewed (B) did not observe any UFO sighting as mentioned on the broadcast. This individual has lived in the area ####################### and has had occasion to observe helicopters flying in a south-west direction. He stated that a military base exists in Carp, and that there is also a training school at the Carp airport about seven miles away. 4.9 This source further stated that around 1988/1989 a heli- copter was sighted in the field behind #########. A few months later it was rumoured that a farmer in that area had been missing a few cows. No comments was made regarding the Unsolved Mysteries showing. 4.10 Another source interviewed (C) did not observe the UFO sighting, however did say that helicopters do fly low in the area, further, that there is a medical helicopter described as being white and orange-red in colour that does the Carp to Kingston run. The helicopter's flight path is directly over their residence. It was not mentioned if the medical helicopter was the suspected low flyer. 4.11 Another source interviewed (D) who has resided in the are ########## did not see the program in question ############### ####################################### This person ########### ############# indicates that there are many helicopters flying usually out of the Carp Airport, but not at low altitudes. 4.12 Another source interviewed (E) has resided in the area ## ############################################################## ############################################################### #######################################################, (same area visited by the first source and the investigator). He further stated that almost every night at approximately 21:00 hrs, for the last couple of years, helicopters have been flying over the residence. 4.13 Another source interviewed (F) has lived in the area ### ################################## has seen several helicopters fly over, noticed nothing out of the ordinary and added that this is a quiet area. The source did view the Unsolved Mysteries program ####################. 4.14 Another source interviwed (G) has lived in the area many years ######################################################### ############################################################## ###### (same area visited by the investigator). He is aware of the signs erected saying, "NUCLEAR TESTING" etc. ############################################################## ############################################################# ############################################################## ######################################################## 4.16 When questioned about the red and white helicopters the source indicated that this was the new emergency helicopter which for the last two years has been flying over the house when making its runs to and from Barrys Bay. At times it even flies three times a night. 4.17 As a final piece of information the source indicated that a person living in the area, ################################# ############################################################### ############################################################# 4.18 Another source interviewed (H) has lived in the area many years and indicates that for as long as he can remember their (sic) have been odd grass formations, approximately ten feet in diameter. They could be found ################################ ############################################# 4.19 Another source interviewed (I) has lived in the area #### ######## and could only say that ############################ ############################################################### ############################################# ############################################################## ############################################################### ############################################################## 4.21 Attendance made at the West Carleton township clerks office where it was learnt that a similar letter much like the one aired on Unsolved Mysteries had been received about a year ago. Since it made reference to the military it was subsequently handed over to the Military Police at the Carp military base. It was also learnt that pictures had been taken of various signs on the previously mentioned property, by a by-laws officer who subsequently handed them to the military. To date this information has not been made available to the writer. 4.22 On February 17th 1993, another source interviewed (J) #### #################### advised that the air ambulance has been in operation for the last two years, it covers all of Eastern Onta- rio and the flight path from Carp to Cornwall takes it directly ##########################. The helicopter has a white strobe light which at night can look blue and can flash several cycles per second much like the one seen on Unsolved Mysteries. 4.23 The air ambulance helicopter was in operation from 20:35 hrs on the 18th of August 1991, till 00:22hrs on the 19th. At the time of the sighting the helicopter was was on route from Cornwall to N.D.M.C. (National Defence Medical Center) in Ottawa and therefore eliminated as a subject. 4.24 The writer heard rumors that the military, the RCMP S.E.R.T. teams and the N.R.C. (National Research Councel) had each been conducting helicopter exercices and training sessions during the same period of time. This information was later denied by the Military and RCMP. The NRC flight reasearch lab with facilities in Carp have been experimenting with different means of commanding a helicopter, a Bell 205 Red and Yellow. Such tests are usually during the day and originate from Uplands Airport, furthermore no such flights were recorded on the 18th of August. 4.25 On February 18th information was received from the D.O.T., revealing that Military helicopters have in fact been conducting exercices at Connaught Ranges, ################################ and that often helicopters land in farmers fields. The exercices consists of night vision goggles (NVG) flight training, in which the pilot flies the helicopter without lights in total darkness using only special night vision equipment, the purpose is to fly as close to the ground as possible. It is conceivable that the pilot may by design or by error stray from the designated area. When such activities are to take place a Notice to Airmen should be sent out advising of same and that red flares will be used as markers, in a "T" formation. 4.26 The D.O.T. also advises that it is not uncommon to see the U.S. military making unscheduled or unspecified flights into Canadian Air Space, without alerting Canadian authorities. Such patrols would never be admitted by U.S. authorities. These flights are likely out of Fort DRUM, N.Y. They will often participate in Cnd. Armed Forces manoeuvres, for an exchange of experience and information during training sessions, and some- times although rarely, "just for a ride". It has also been learnt that the Canadian military's actions are not governed by the Civil Aeronautics Act but rather by parallel military air regulations. Should the military be found flying in a manner dangerous to the public safety, the D.O.T. procedure is to advise the Ministry of Defence who will then investigate the matter. In the source's opinion it is an accepted practice that until something happens the infractions are ignored. 4.27 Mjr. PATTERSON admits that helicopters do fly in the area but not at tree top level. That N.V.G. flights are made but in designated areas. He further admits that he may not be aware of all unscheduled or unspecified flights. He further stated that it is not uncommon to have U.S. helicopters in the area for reasons such as refuelling etc. 4.28 Mjr. PATTERSON who had received a copy of the video tape and a letter relating to the incident ########### provided same to the writer for investigational purposes. ################## ################################################# PATTERSON has viewed the video and in his opinion, the event appears to be real but the location where it occurred is not certain. ###### ############################################################### ############################################################## 4.29 On February 18th three experts from the D.O.T. viewed the video and as a result a letter expressing a personal opinion was provided to the writer, indicating the following. Note that the letter has been condensed The main rotor, the tail bottom assembly, the bright white light under the object is consistent with helicopter high intensity hover lights, the red and green lights which could be navigation lights that are low and close to the body again consistent with a helicopter. The flickering light could be a "masthead light", which is a white light shinning on the rotor mast of a helicopter for inspection purposes. This light shines on the rotating portion of the flight control rods of the main rotor and gives the impression that the light is pulsing. The fre- quency of the flicker, 7 cycles per second as stated in the television video, would be consistent with the rotation speed of a helicopter rotor (360-400 RPM). As a result the helicopter is likely a SIKORSKEY S-76 commercial or a SIKORSKEY UH60 U.S. Military helicopter. 4.30 On February 19th at approx. 10:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE spoke ######################################################## ############################################################# made reference to several individuals he had apparently inter- viewed regarding the incident and who the GUARDIAN might be. ############################################################## ############################################################# ############################################################## 4.32 Fraudulent Cheque Section at H-Q was provided a copy of the correspondence as seen on the broadcast, to compare with any similar material. This resulted with a negative reply. 4.33 On February 22nd the writer obtained the weather condi- tions for the 18th AUGUST 1991, for the general area including Carp. High 23.5 C Low 15.8 C Precipitation nil At 20:00hrs: 18.7 C - wind East 11Km - mild At 21:00hrs: 17.3 C - wind East North East 11Km - mild At 22:00hrs: 16.9 C - wind North North East 9Km - mild At 23:00hrs: 16.1 C - wind East North East 11Km - mild At 24:00hrs: 15.9 C - wind North East 11Km - mild No clouds from 20:00hrs to 24:00hrs clear visibility 15 miles+ 4.34 On February 25th at approx. 15H00hrs ################## scaled photograph of the fingerprint found on the "GUARDIAN's" video cassette. However without a suspect print to compare to, A-Div. Ident. was not able to provide any results. 4.35 On February 26th at approx. 09:30hrs Cst. DE HAITRE con- tacted the complainant and was advised that low flying heli- copters had been recorded in a diary and video taped. On the 02nd of March attendance was made to view the diary and the video. Unfortunately the quality was so poor that the helicop- ter could not be identified. However the daily diary has no less than six separate sightings of a low flying white heli- copter between February 15th and 25th. 4.36 At approximately 13:15 hrs Mjr. PATTERSON was informed of this new development and provided a response for only two of the sightings. He states that they are UN helicopters, white in colour, on manoeuvres and should be no lower than 500 feet. 4.37 D.O.T. advised that the helicopters refered to here are likely RCMP S.E.R.T. TEAMS doing scenarios, flown by the mili- tary. The bottom line is that the civil air regulations does not apply in this case, but these flights may be bordering on illegal low-flying. 4.38 The Ottawa Intl. airport could not provide information regarding the UFO and would not ordinarily know of any inci- dent in the Carp area unless advised. As for the Carp airport it is a limited operation, operated by the township. Basically one can come and go at will without anyone knowing. 4.39 On March 02 at approx. 10:30 hrs the writer attended HUISSON Aviation in Carp where pictures were taken of the air ambulance and the Bell 205 helicopter. ################## the maintenance crew and pilots were allowed to view the video. Their conclusion is that the aircraft in question is likely a SIKORSKY UH-60, Black Hawk. One person mentioning that it sounded like one. Their opinions mirror that of the Dept. of Transport. These helicopters including the Bell 205 all resem- ble each other with very minor differences. 4.40 Attendance was made at the ####### residence at approx. 12:30hrs. In conversation with ########### it was learnt that on the date in question he remembered that at approx. 14:00hrs he saw a dark coloured possibly green helicopter in the third field, and observed poeple jumping out. He stated "they don't bother me I don't bother them". He admits it may be that they were doing the same thing later that evening. His concern is that helicopters fly so close to his house that they damage the shingles. 4.41 On March 03 at approx. 13:30 hrs ##################### ########## In the conversation he indicated that there was no STRONTIUM residue in the area and that there should have been since it is a component of red flares. This residue remains in the ground for years and years and should therefore have been present. ########## also made mention to the writer and to Mjr. PATTERSON, that TITANIUM had been found in some of the soil samples he had taken from the area. He did not ex- plain how the samples were taken and if any precautions were made against contamination. 4.42 On March 03rd at approx. 14:45hrs Cst. DE HAITRE was advised by H-Q chemistry section that time and knowing where to look is an important factor when attempting to find stron- tium. All traces of the material would disappear in a very short time especially when exposed to the elements. This information contradicts ########## theory that because stron- tium was not found, that the red flares were from a U.F.O. 4.43 At approx. 10:30 hrs ############### contacted the in- vestigator by phone. He refused to be interviewed in person stating that he had no time. ############################### ############################################### and further does not wish to be involved with the investigation. When asked about the alien pictures in the video ######### imme- diate response was that it was a picture of a mask taken in the dark. "It's that simple to do". 4.44 On March 8th a voluntary statement was obtained from a source (K) who said that, after hearing of the Unsolved Mysteries crew being in the Carp area filming a UFO inci- dent, he provided the name ############################### as a possible reference, simply because of his knowledge on the subject. The source also advised that ################ ########################################################### ########################################################## ########################################################### ########################################################## ########################################################### ########################################################## ##################################################### also claims that the GUARDIAN tape has been poorly edited. That it has several of what is called "jump cuts", poor edits throughout. In his opinion there is nothing in the video to suggest it was filmed in Corkery and he also suspects that the Alien pictures were from another video tape. 4.45 On March 05th at approx. 09:30hrs Sgt FRASER RCMP Video Analysis viewed the video in question. The video provided appeared to be a third of fourth generation and there is an attendant decrease in the quality of the video recording with each successive generation. As a result of this viewing certain characteristics of a helicopter were noted, ie: A: Tail end B: Lights at front C: Two sets of windows Prints of the above were provided to the writer. The follow- ing two observations were equally as interesting. D: The flares appear at the beginning of the video with the UFO then they disappear not to be seen again. This is contrary to ###################### the Unsolved Mysteries program which show the UFO leaving then the flares extinguish. E: The UFO shown on Unsolved Mysteries was seen approaching, landing then departing the scene as the flares went out. This is contrary to the actual GUARDIAN video which shows the UFO stationary throughout the filming and the red flares disappearing at the beginning. 4.46 On March 30th 1993 at approx. 08:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE interviewed ################################################# ############################################################ ############################################################# 5.0 INVESTIGATORS COMMENTS 5.1 It is worth noting that to this date there have been no further reported incidents of low flying white helicopters, as indicated in 4.35. 6.0 IN CONCLUSION 6.1 The purpose of the investigation is stated in para- graph 3.1. In reviewing the facts pertaining to the incident ############################ it has been determined that ; A: Not enough evidence has been brought forward to support a prossecution under Section 534(2)(b) of the Aeronautics Act. B: The object observed was a helicopter but could not be identified due to a lack of sufficient details ie; markings. C: See B above. Unless further information regarding this incident comes to light this file will be as here undernoted. CONCLUDED HERE. (JRD DE HAITRE), Cst.. Reg. #: 34529 (JCP BISSON), Sgt. "A" DIVISION Federal Investigation Unit Distribution: - original to General Enforcement Branch H-Q - copy to the file ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary by Page and LeBlanc on the RCMP investigation report: How interesting... I wonder why Oeschler didn't show us this report! Even more interesting, if you go back on point 4.43, you will find that "somebody" (the name is hidden under FOIA regulations) was contacted by phone by the RCMP, and did refuse to be interviewed since he had no time... "He" also stated he didn't want to be in- volved in the investigation and when asked about the alien picture, "he" stated that it was a picture of a mask taken in the dark. "It's that simple to do", "he" said. Well, this "person" is nobody else than Oeschler himself. It is obvious. Even on the original copy of the report, the blank space do matches *exactly* with the lenght of his name. Obviously, Oeschler got scared by how the things were progressing, and he just decided not to play with fire (i.e. RCMP agent). We all can consider this as the FINAL WORD on CARP. Regards, Benjamin Leblanc, O.C.I.P.E. co-director Fido BAMA Consultant MUFON Quebec co-director -- Chris Rutkowski - University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada